
What you must know about car wheel bearing maintenance?


1. Remove the decorative cover and dust cover of the wh […]

1. Remove the decorative cover and dust cover of the wheel shaft head;
2. Remove the tire nut and tire, taking care not to damage the thread of the tire bolt. If it is a disc brake, the brake should be removed and then used to remove the lock ring or pin.
3. Remove the hub with special tools;
4. Scrape off the old grease in the bearing, axle journal and hub cavity, clean the hub bearing and journal with a cleaning agent and dry them with a cloth, and finally clean the hub cavity with a cloth.
5. Check the hub bearings and bearing races, and if cracks, fatigue spalling and loose bearing rollers are found, the bearings should be replaced. If pitting is found on the bearing race, the bearing should also be replaced.
6. Check the fit between the inner diameter of the wheel bearing and the journal. The fit clearance should not be greater than 0.10mm. When measuring the journal, it should be measured at the upper and lower parts of the vertical ground (this is the largest wear part). If the fit clearance exceeds the specified service limit, the bearing should be replaced to restore the normal fit clearance. Burrs and pits on the journal are not allowed to reduce the gap.

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